One of Inclusive Journalism Cymru’s aims is to create and offer opportunities for those of us who may have been marginalised or excluded by the media industry. That’s why we’ve partnered with the Wales Broadcast Archive on an exciting project that will publish work from three of our members. 

It’s open to anyone who’s a member of Inclusive Journalism Cymru. Membership is free and you can join by completing the quick form on our website.

This will be a paid opportunity for marginalised journalists and creatives to respond to material from the Wales Broadcast Archive in three separate commissions - through text, audio or video. A series of events will follow the completion of this project, showcasing the work and offering an opportunity to meet and learn from other members. There will be a conscious decision to select a candidate from north, mid and south Wales to reflect as wide a range of geographical perspectives as possible.  

Each successful candidate will receive £1000 for their piece, to be paid on completion (i.e. after the final draft).

More info here

Closing date: 09/10/2024