Leading Welsh dance company Jones the Dance, founded by choreographer Gwyn Emberton who is originally from Montgomery, will run a special summer dance school as part of the project Jones Bach. It will be at Gregynog Hall near Newtown and will celebrate the end of the first year of this now annual Arts Council of Wales funded project for young people in Powys. The week will be hosted by Gregynog Hall with thanks to additional funding from the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Jones Bach was initiated by Gwyn Emberton, originally as an annual summer school with The Hafren. Since last year the company has expanded the project to run during all of the half term holidays culminating in this special weeklong summer school. During the week the young people will work with up-and-coming Welsh choreographer Rebecca Long.  Rebecca was chosen by the young dancers in a audition/interview in May this year, she was up against three other leading choreographers from Wales and Australia. Together, with Rebecca they will create an original new work that they will perform in the grounds of Gregynog Hall at the end of the week, as well as learn new dance styles and make friends.

Jones Bach, along with the sister project that Jones the Dance runs in Cardiff for young Deaf people called Quiet Beats, forms the Jones the Dance Young Company. Both projects were initiated by Gwyn Emberton’s desire to create outstanding opportunities for young people especially those who often don't get access to such opportunities to thrive in dance, through working with international and homegrown choreographers and to develop both physically and mentally.

“Jones the Dance’s youth dance initiatives are part of our continued aims and commitment to developing dance in Wales by creating opportunities for young people who might not think dance is for them or have had the opportunity to dance before. Over the last ten years, as Jones the Dance we have been developing our knowledge and experience of developing dance from the grassroots to professional level, with a specific commitment to providing provision to communities that face acute barriers to accessing dance and disseminating this expertise with the wider sector in Wales. Our vision is to transform who gets to make and experience dance, with the hope that some of the young people participating in Quiet Beats and Jones Bach might be the next generation of dancers from Wales.”

The sessions run from 10am - 3pm each day and are for ages 8-15 years.

Places are almost booked up but there are some spaces for the later sessions in the week.

There are bursaries available for lower income families. Please get in touch with producer Kama at info_and_admin@jonesthedance.com to find out more about this.

To book please visit:


Or contact Dance Officer Eli at jonesbach@jonesthedance.com if you want to learn more.