2024 is the Welsh Government Year of Wales in India.

Arts, culture and well-being have played a significant role in developing rich and longstanding cultural connections between Wales and India and are a key part of the year’s focus.  

As part of our contribution to the programme, British Council Wales and Arts Council of Wales and its international agency Wales Arts International, supported by Welsh Government, are inviting expressions of interest for funding towards augmenting existing specific arts activity that will take place in India in late 2024.  

This funding opportunity aims to extend and amplify existing arts partnerships and collaborations between Wales and India in specific priority areas. It is open to individuals and organisations working in the arts in Wales.  


Funding available:  

We have a total of £80,000 available.  

We anticipate making between 4-6 awards of up to £20,000 per award.  


Eligibility Criteria:  

To be eligible to submit an Expression of Interest, you will: 

  1. Have a partner in India with whom you have an existing and active relationship
  2. Be able to deliver the proposed activity in India with your partner between October 2024 and January 2025 
  3. Be an individual arts practitioner or arts organisation based in Wales  


Assessment priorities and criteria:   

We will assess applications based on the following:  

  • The strength of your proposal as a collaboration with a partner in India with whom there is an existing, active and mutually beneficial relationship and an invitation to work together 
  • How the proposed activity will extend the reach of a current project or develop new elements to a recent or ongoing collaboration 
  • The ability to deliver the activity between October 2024 and January 2025  
  • How the proposed activity will reach audiences in India  
  • How you will embed principles of equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the planning and delivery of the proposed activity  

You will also need to demonstrate that the arts activity will align with at least one of the following priorities:  

  • Will take place in one or more of the following Northeast India regions where there is existing cultural connection with Wales: Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland.  
  • Will focus on language, which may include minority or indigenous languages and multilingualism 
  • Will focus on arts, health and wellbeing 
  • Will jointly explore with your partner issues relating to sustainability and global responsibility through artistic collaboration 

For activity that sits outside the scope of this specific funding, you may be eligible to apply for support through Wales Arts International’s International Opportunities Fund.

There will also be future funding opportunities to support activity in Wales with partners in India, to be announced later in 2025. 


Who can apply:  

The fund is open to individuals and organisations working in the field of arts and culture, and who have existing and active artistic partnerships in India. 


How to apply:  

  • Complete the short Expression of Interest form and return to info@wai.org.uk by 26 July 2024 marked ‘India Funding Expression of Interest’.  


What happens next:  

Your expression of interest will be reviewed by British Council Wales and Wales Arts International, with input from British Council India and Welsh Government India. We will use the stated priorities and criteria as a basis to make our decisions.   

If you receive an offer in principle, you will be invited to further develop your activity plan and budget before we make the final funding offer.  



  • Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest: 26 July 2024 

  • Notification of award in principle: 5 August 2024  

  • For awards in principle - submission of a detailed budget, activity plan and timeline: by 12 August 2024 

  • Notification of final funding offer: 14 August 2024 


Expression of Interest Form 

Please provide the following basic information:  

About you:  

  1. Primary contact name 
  2. Name of organisation (if applicable) 
  3. Primary address 
  4. Email address 
  5. Phone number 
  6. Website and/or social media links 

About your partner in India:  

  1. Name of partner(s) & organisation name (if applicable) 
  2. Address  
  3. Email address 
  4. Website and/or social media links 

You will also need to answer the following questions:  

  1. Tell us about your partner in India and your relationship with them (200 words)  
  2. Outline what you will do during the project (300 words) 
  3. Outline how the proposal responds to at least one of the priorities and criteria noted in the guidance (300 words) 
  4. How much is the project likely to cost? Will there be other income (cash or in-kind) coming from other sources?  
  5. Are there any equalities and accessibility considerations you will be making?  
  6. When do you anticipate the project taking place in India? Please confirm that the project will take place between October 2024 and January 2025  



If you have any questions, please contact info@wai.org.uk.  

If you would like to submit the EOI in an alternative format, please let us know.