Our Investment Reviews, held every five years, decide which organisations the Arts Council of Wales will support for the next five-year period. These decisions are important and far-reaching. And because of this, we do everything we can to make sure that the processes we use are clear, fair and reasonable.

The below document contains our feedback on the first consultation exercise that was conducted as part of our Investment Review 2020 process.

The consultation opened on 1 November 2019, and closed on 10 January 2020.

We’re aware that many people invested a great deal of time and energy in sharing their views with us.This has undoubtedly improved the final documents, and we'd like to offer our sincere thanks and appreciation.

Investment Review 2020: Response to the Consultation


What is the Investment Review 2020?

It's the process that we use to select the group of organisations that will make up our future Arts Portfolio Wales. Read more about the Investment Review 2020 here.