Music gives us hope, helps us grieve, reminds us to laugh, and can transform our inspiration into action. This course is for musicians, music industry professionals, sound-based artists and composers who want to explore the role of music, sound, lyrics and spoken-word within and against a backdrop of climatic, ecological and cultural changes. In this 5 Day Residential – part workshop, part lecture, part co-created experimental sound studio – you'll be guided through a mixture of talks, workshops and practical experiments that will help you explore the role of your music and sound practice in a time of climate collapse. Progress your ideas, reflect, gain new knowledge, develop existing projects and pursue new ideas, play and experiment – alone, in nature and with others. 

Featuring: Cardiff based literary activist and hip-hop artist Rufus Mufasa, sound artist Jozef Harris, sound designers Loss><Gain, organist and composer James McVinnie, writer and journalist Jude Rogers, musician and producer Rupert Reed, and Ed O'brien from Radiohead.  

27 September – 1 October 2023