Since launching a decade ago in March 2015, the scheme, which is an Arts Council of Wales initiative managed by Creu Cymru in partnership with Diverse Cymru, has welcomed more than 35,000 cardholders and over 40 venue members and associate organisations.

Hynt cardholders are entitled to complimentary tickets for their accompanying essential companion/s to remove barriers to experiencing live performances, and it all began as part of trying to find a solution to a very practical problem.
Martin Lewis’s adult son, who has autism, loved to go to the see live performances in the theatre. However, because he needed someone with him to attend a performance, it became both expensive and cumbersome to have to explain every time what the requirements were to make the visit an enjoyable one for them.
As Martin explains,
“I was just sick of repeating the same thing again and again to be honest with you, and it just didn’t feel like disabled customers were getting treated fairly. The line I kept getting was ‘No, everyone has to pay, even if you’re there as a companion to a disabled person. So I got in touch with people at the Arts Council of Wales, and things have just grown and grown from there, into this national scheme where you can take someone with you and your requirements are noted on a central database. I’m so pleased that other arts councils in the UK have recognised the value of Hynt. Many more people are now getting their needs met by presenting the card, though I still think there is a way to go, not just in the arts but in tourism and transport too."
Being part of the Hynt network also benefits the arts venues themselves, giving them access to training and industry events and the Hynt website, which helps people plan their visits with access information and listings of accessible performances.
Diane Hebb, Director of Arts Engagement at the Arts Council of Wales said,
“The scheme has clearly had a positive impact on the lives of card holders, with Creu Cymru’s report noting that 81% of cardholders say Hynt increases the amount of social interaction in their lives, and 85% of cardholders saying Hynt makes it easier to ask a friend to accompany them to the theatre. It’s also good for the venues too, who say the scheme helps them get to know their customers better and recognise their individual needs.”
Louise Miles-Payne, Director of Creu Cymru who manage the scheme on behalf of the Arts Council of Wales adds,
“I’m so pleased to be celebrating 10 years of Hynt. The impact of Hynt on Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent visitor experiences over the last 10 years has been powerful. The scheme has enabled venues to not only provide a more consistent offer for our cardholders and their essential companions but given theatre and arts centre staff the knowledge and skills to welcome a diverse range of audiences into their spaces. It’s all about removing barriers to people having fabulous experiences. We’re proud to have been part of making culture more accessible and equitable in Wales and I’m excited to see Hynt develop over the next 10 years and beyond.”
Jack Sargeant, Minister for Culture, said:
“At its inception, the Hynt scheme was unique to the UK, developed in direct response to the experience of a disabled visitor to theatres in Wales. ACW took a bold step to address the lack of consistency in ticketing policies for disabled visitors and it is a significant achievement to note that there are now over 35,000 Welsh cardholders who can visit any of around 40 member venues anywhere in the country.
“As the scheme celebrates its 10th year it is fantastic to see that Hynt is now the foundation on which a UK-wide scheme is being developed. Da iawn!”
For more information on Hynt, visit