Festivals Mean Business is the UK-wide research programme led by British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) to provide key data on the sector. It’s being run by BOP Consulting and will provide crucial information about how festivals have responded to the pandemic, what kinds of support they need to help them grow and develop, and to help tell the story of this extraordinary sector.

BAFA invite UK-based arts festival teams to complete their research survey, which is open until Monday 22 April. Survey results will be used to provide to key data on the size, scope and impact of the festivals sector in the UK, including headlines on the events, audiences, staffing and economic impact of UK arts festivals. In addition, BAFA will use the results to evaluate the current capacity and support needed by the sector to better meet the challenges of environmental sustainability and equality, diversity and inclusion.

Find out more about Festivals Mean Business here: https://www.artsfestivals.co.uk/festivals-mean-business/

Complete the survey here: https://bop.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2nJ1U7fG9NLswHY