Over 100 artists were successful in having work accepted into the 15th 'Open' Arts Exhibition at Mid Wales Arts. It is a big, wide ranging exhibition that gives so many artists and the general public the opportunity to share and enjoy their achievements; each individual artist has something different to say, the galleries are full of original paintings, prints, textiles, sculptures, glass, photography and ceramics with a section ' Made in Caersws' and an exhibition by Mid Wales Wood Turners.
Organiser Cathy Knapp Evans said: This beautiful part of Mid Wales is a treasure trove of creativity, our first Open exhibition in 2008 featured a painting titled 'There is Gold in them thar hills' by Elizabeth Hancock of Llanfair Caereinion. I am sure the gold she was referring to was the talented, creative individuals who find their 'Hiraeth' in this magical landscape.
The Christmas Open Exhibition at Mid Wales Arts, Caersws, Powys SY17 5SB
Buy and take home on the day!
Thursday-Sunday 11-4 until 17th December