We want to invest in a portfolio of exciting and sustainable organisations that fairly represents the diversity of Wales – organisations that can work together collaboratively and inclusively, alongside the people of Wales, to create great art and cultural richness for all to enjoy.

We are in the process of developing a ‘Terms of Reference’ that will frame the application process, opening next year, for our new Investment Review.

Please join us at one of these on-line sessions which will include a briefing and update, information on what it means to be in the national portfolio of revenue funded organisations and our key ambitions for our Investment Review 2022.

The sessions will include a chance for you to input into the development of our Terms of Reference which will plan to then publish by the beginning of December.

The workshops will take place on 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14 September between 3pm and 4.30pm on each occasion. Each workshop will follow the same pattern so please book one slot only.

Click on this link for further information and to book your place - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/investment-review-2022-workshops-gweithdai-adolygiad-buddsoddi-2022-tickets-167284850491