You must answer all the questions below. We will use the data provided by all our grant applicants to help us make sure our funding is reaching a broad range of people and organisations.

We must also report on who our funding is reaching by each of the ‘protected characteristics’ covered by the Equality Act 2010 in our Annual Equality Report, to comply with the specific duties set out in the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties (Wales) Regulations 2011).

Your answers on this form will not affect any decision on your grant application and will be used for monitoring purposes only. The form will not be shared with staff assessing your application. Your application cannot be considered complete unless this form has been filled in and submitted.

Please tell us whether your organisation is black and minority ethnic led?
Arts Council of Wales defines an organisation as being "Black and minority ethnic led" if at least 51% of its senior managers, management committee, board, governing body or council define themselves as Black or Minority Ethnic.
Please tell us whether your organisation is disabled led?
Arts Council of Wales defines an organisation as being "disabled led" if at least 51 % of its senior managers, management committee, board, governing body or council define themselves to be disabled.
Please tell us whether your organisation is lesbian, gay or bisexual led?
Arts Council of Wales defines an organisation as being "lesbian, gay or bisexual led" if at least 51% of its senior managers, management committee, board, governing body or council identify themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
Please tell us whether your organisation has been set up for or by
Please give the number of senior managers and members on your management committee, board, governing body or council who are: