Resource Type
Funding help documents01.04.2022

Eirian Llwyd Memorial Award Guidelines

Funding help documents01.04.2022

Brian Ross Memorial Award Guidelines


Project Lead – Creative Learning through the Arts - Application Pack


Project Administrator, Creative Learning- Application Pack


Funds awarded: Culture Recover Fund 3

Research and evaluations11.03.2022

Arts Portfolio Wales Survey General Guide

Research and evaluations28.02.2022

2020 Wales Omnibus Survey: Adult Engagement in the Arts

Strategic documents28.02.2022

Remit Letter December 2021


Design and Publications Officer Application Pack

Funding help documents15.02.2022

Future Wales Fellowship Powerpoint Briefing

Funding help documents15.02.2022

Large Print: International Opportunities Fund Guidelines

Funding help documents15.02.2022

Print Bras: Canllawiau Cronfa Cyfleoedd Rhyngwladol Chwefror

Funding help documents09.02.2022

Project Budget Template 2022

Funding help documents08.02.2022

What questions will I need to answer


Expression of Interest in the course Working Welsh for the Arts


Senior Project Manager, Access Scheme Development Applicant Pack