What do visual arts audiences really think? How can we best find this out?

To explore these questions we'll introduce some of the work that we've done with university partnerships, including the University of Sheffield's Data Analytics and Society doctoral training programme.

In particular, we'll highlight research into visual arts audiences, undertaken by Ph.D. candidate Ray Morrison, which used Audience Finder surveys to analyse satisfaction levels and how survey responses are affected by survey methodology.

Date: Wednesday 13 September 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM

Book your placehttps://www.tickettailor.com/events/theaudienceagency/972829

About TEA Breaks:

TEA (Talking Evidence and Audiences) Breaks offer a regular introduction to The Audience Agency's latest research, projects and sector knowledge - grab a cuppa and listen in. Through these short monthly briefings, our team shares current cultural sector insights.

Each session will be based on a key topic, determined by the interesting analysis and research taking place at the time from across our team. This is an easy way to stay in the loop with the latest audience data findings and discuss your thoughts with like-minded people from across the sector.


This session is open to all.

It may be of particular interest to senior leaders and those who need an overview of sector trends - including senior marketers, programmers and fundraisers - along with anyone interested in current audience data.


- Oliver Mantell, Director of Evidence and Insight
- Ella Brown, Evidence Researcher


TEA Breaks are 45-minute online briefing sessions.

The first 30 minutes of each session consists of several, short digests on the latest findings, projects and data-driven evidence that The Audience Agency has been working on. We will then open up the floor, giving you the opportunity to ask questions and discuss with others and our team.

Cost: Free