Arts Council of Wales welcomes applications to a fund that supports venues to maintain or upgrade and refurbish their buildings and theatre spaces including the purchase of equipment.  We are particularly interested in projects that will enhance the accessibility of theatres and venues or have a positive impact on reducing carbon footprint.

This funding is for Theatres and Performing Arts Venues that can:

  • Host a seated event for a minimum of 50 people.
  • Demonstrate an established track record of delivering performing arts activity for audiences or participants.
  • Present an ongoing programme of events which includes at least one professional event per month in a seated space specific to that purpose.
  • Make sure that the building or project meets the accessibility requirements of the Equality Act.

You can read about our priorities for this funding scheme in the guidelines, but any application must evidence a project that will be completed within the financial year.

The maximum you can apply for is up to £250,000, but we expect most projects to come in for up to £50,000.

You must get in touch first with details about your project to access a link to the application form.  Please read our guidance about whether your project is right for this funding.  If it is, please contact

Successful projects must be completed within the financial year and evidence of expenditure will need to be submitted to the Arts Council of Wales by 5 March 2025. 

The deadline for applications will be 12pm, 24 May 2024.